Artist Statement

Lenora Kandiner has been working in polymer since 1991, when she accidentally walked down the polymer clay aisle in an art supply store.

A self-confessed color junkie, she likes polymer because it allows her to let her color sense reign.

She is a member of the New Jersey Polymer Clay Guild and Philadelphia Area Polymer Clay Guild and a past board member of the International Polymer Clay Association.

Her work was on the cover of the Polymer Clay 2000 Calendar and is included in 400 Polymer Clay Designs published by Lark Books. Her work has been widely exhibited in NJ and in several galleries around the US.

She has taught polymer to adults and children locally and nationally.

As a child she was told she could not paint or draw, but she created sculpture in ceramics and wood which was exhibited at the Ford Industrial Arts show. She now paints in water color and draws and sketches. Besides polymer, her favorite medium is fiber, where she quilts, creates upcycled garments, and knits socks.